Wednesday, February 12, 2025
![]() Kathy RemboldMedia Statistics:Files: 234 Plays: 588439 Likes: 388 Personal Information:Media1 - 10 of 234
![]() Biblical SignsThis message isn't what you might think; an interactive way to learn the plan of salvation, through sign language, and some words, from the Bible, in the process.
Plays: 1715
![]() "What Moms Really Want/NEED for Mother's Day."What does God say to give our Moms; is it flowers, chocolates, or expensive gifts? We are to honor, not only our Moms, but each other. God has put us on the honor syetem and we are to value others above ourselves.
Plays: 2240
![]() What Moms Want/NEED fpr Mother's DayWhat does God say to give our Moms; is it flowers, chocolates, or fancy gifts? We are tpo honor and lift up, not only our Moms, bur each other. God has put us on the honor system and we are to value our Moms, and others, above ourselves.
Plays: 2147
![]() Love PraysJesus continues to pray for us and we are to pray for others. Pray wider, deeper, and highter.
Plays: 1815
![]() Love PraysJesus continues to pray for us and we are to pray for each other. Pray wider, deeper, and higher.
Plays: 1990
![]() "What's Next?"It's after Easter and Jesus is alive, so what's next? Some think we need to go and let people know about Him. That's true, but first we need to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon us. Stop and wait. We need to be equipped for spiritual battle.
Plays: 1648
![]() Are You Following Close Enough?You'll never hear Jesus say you're follwing too close, because you can't follow Him close enough! Jesus wants to be and needs to be an "in your face" kind of close.
Plays: 2135
![]() Light UpOur Streets:OCCA Next StepsWe can, once again, be the "Valley that Changed the World", but with a spiritual oil. Before that can happen, the valley itself needs to be changed. All things are possible with Christ...take the next step and light up our streets here. Don't lose your light and saltiness by keeping it in a box, or the salt shaker. ..share the blessing of God and go outside the walls.
Plays: 2594
![]() Getting a Passion IN Prayer FOR God (Part 3)We have to have time with God in order to have a relationship with Him. It's about quality and quantity time spent with Him. Our connection, with God, should lead to direction and change in our lives. A relationship with God should change you!
Plays: 2055
![]() Getting a Passion IN Prayer for God (Part 1)How do you begin your day...with coffee, or a shower? Jesus began each day by connecting with His Father. It wasn't optional; it was essential! Prayer should be the core part of who you are. You are no good, for the day, unless you have a cup of "the Living Water."
Plays: 2565